For the second meeting the partners had the opportunity to travel to Bulgaria and visit the old town of Nessebar, the only UNESCO place on the Bulgarian Black Sea. They had the chance to see the Roman...
During the event “SMART Tourism – sustainable development solution”, organized by the Departamentul Economie, Marketing și Turism in partnership with the National Association for In...
Natalia Turcanu, president of the National Inbound Tourism Association (ANTRIM), implementing partner, as well as Tatiana Lupascu, Heripreneurship project manager from Moldova, participated in the Vis...
The Danube Delta is Romania’s unpolished gold, a tourist destination that deserves your attention What the Heripreneurship project aims to do is to develop tourism in this natural area to make y...
The traditional Moldovan carpet is one of the elements of the national cultural heritage! The Moldovan carpet is created by housewives, who were taught by their grandmothers, with much love and tradit...
Welcome to the VISITOR e-Survey! Thank you for agreeing to take part in this important survey measuring satisfaction for the Pilot Project in Philippoi, Greece. Today we will be gaining your thoughts ...
Within the scope of Heripreneurship BSB 831 project, an online meeting with 21 participants was held by Turkish partner DOKA with the representatives of local authorities. A brief information about th...
The study visit in Bulgaria facilitated the meeting of HERIPRENEURSHIP partners during the period 26th – 29th September. Series of events accompanied the meeting such as the partners took part to the ...
The national Inbound Tourism Association in Moldova, a partner of HERIPRENEURSHIP presents Rudi Monastery – a place worth to be visited by every tourist and nature lover. The monastery is situated in ...
Stakeholder consultation event to assess needs of offering tourist services On 26th August the UBBSLA gathered stakeholders and actors in tourism, advertising and service providers to discuss the need...